

What is Local Specialist Association?

An LSA is a local chapter of a Provincial Specialist Association, such as the BCTEA. The local chapter brings together Technology Education Teachers to discuss local problems and to exchange ideas.

Why get involved in an LSA?

LSAs provide teachers a supported model to collaboratively grow their practice by connecting with others in your district.

How often does an LSA meet?
Meeting schedules are up to the members.  Some current LSAs in the province meet regularly at a school, local establishment or someone’s house in the evening while others a few times a year.  It is better to have a few meaningful meetings than many poor ones.

What happens at meetings?
It’s up to you! Some LSAs choose a topic or theme for the semester or year.  A call for agenda items by the LSA President/Secretary can be sent out to the members prior to the meeting and a formal agenda generated prior to the meeting.  The bottom line is that collaboration happens and it can further local issues by working together.

How will you be supported?
BCTEA like other PSAs would like to support our LSAs in the spirit of collaboration. New LSAs may apply for a grant to subsidize meeting costs; an application can be downloaded HERE from BCTEA.org. We will also maintain lines of communication with LSA representatives to share resources and help guide inquiry, as needed.

What are the expectations of an LSA?
As a local specialist association you will be expected to share a few monthly meeting minutes and something of interested or concern with the BCTEA that we can share out with the PSA membership.

Approaching your local Teachers Association

Your Local Teachers Association may have local grants for an LSA already established.  Reach out locally to find out what maybe setup and how they can support you with possible funding and what is required to access this funding.